Journalist on the runway to SHANGHAI :DD

{May 11, 2008}   Mothers are great !


*that I dearly love <33

Mothers are great ;

They created us and brought us up.

They love us as much as god loves love us.

They give us everything and love us dearly.

Maybe I dont understand how much they sacrificed ;

but one thing I knew they are my dearest.


{May 10, 2008}   Everything is gonee.

I don’t care who you are.

& dont want to know who you are.

Is god having game on us.

Be it memories or past ;

it’s time to end this game.

Thou many happy memories,

but its time to let it go

Forget and forgive what we’ve done.

Its just a mistake to start this game.

Endless GOODBYE. d:

{May 9, 2008}   More to go.. Check it out from Miss Tan’s blog. The hotel we’re staying. Sounds cool!


Hey people. I’m now back to post it. I have the determination to start blogging *( If I’m not slacking and lazy ). Hhahha. In fact, I’m here to share a good new. The groups,accomodation,room sharing had been comfirm in MissTan’s blog. I’m so happy is becos I’m sharing with my dearest laopo. (: Hhahah. It’s nice to share room with your bestie,can share happy moments tgt. Up there is the list. Check it out,guys! Eventually when Yuqi sms me about that good news, I rang up my <33 AIAI. At first wanted to bluff her that she is gg to share with somebody she dont like. But failed,she’s too clever since she can sound my happiness in my heart. She knows me well. ILOVEHER<33. *hiakhiak. Okays lah,since we gg to share room tgt, we gonna takecare ourselves alot. More to share about soon… (: Take Care everybody. Have a good rest and weekend.


; Journalist arejustSuperforwardingthisVALENTINEtrip! :DD

Yesterday by Leona Lewis                                                                                                                                     Hey people (: I got this new blog just for Shanghai one. PS: Its not personal..Anyway, this wordpress looked so stange to me/. I gotta aloot of things to learn from it. Currently still under maintanence. I’m too lazy to update this kind of stuff. Be back sooon! 😀


; Journalist arejustSuperforwardingthisVALENTINEtrip! :DD

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